- Top pay, benefits, & pension –The IBEW has better pay and more access to pension and healthcare plans than non-union electrical workers. Our employer-paid healthcare and retirement plans mean you and your family can live better. We negotiate our wages as a group, which means our total combined wage and benefit package is much higher on average. One of the best parts about working union is the flexibility to work for over 16,000 union contractors that contribute to one healthcare and retirement plan. You don’t start new healthcare and retirement plans with each participating contractor!
- Safety – The IBEW is committed to working with employers to provide the safest workforce and workplace. Nothing is more important to us and our National Electrical Contractors Association partners than your right to work safely.
- Strength in numbers – With the IBEW, you’re not alone. Our collective strength ensures that you’re treated fairly and that you have been paid exactly what you’re owed. Any issues you may have with your employer are worked out with our help.
- Brotherhood – Union members stand together to achieve what we cannot accomplish on our own. Many groups and associations come together for mutual support. Our partner contractors have their own union. In the workplace, we have more benefits and protections as a group than we do as individuals. As electrical workers, we all have the same workplace issues. IBEW members go out of their way to support each other through hard times, on and off the job site.
- Training – The IBEW provides employers with the most skilled and productive electrical workers. Our union is fully committed to training members to be on the leading edge. Our local operates a training center, our members and apprentices pay little or nothing for training courses and continued education. Be the best electrician you can be!
- Job Search –There is no need for a job search! Our union contractors call us when workers are needed. Our Local dispatches members to work from a job list you sign. Looking to travel or move and wish to work at a new location, we have a plan for that too!
- A great relationship with employers – The IBEW works with its employers to have a mutually beneficial relationship. We’re committed to win-win solutions with the challenges we each face. We know that when our relationship with employers is based on respect, everyone wins.
Open House
held monthly on the second Monday at
56475 Peppermint Road South Bend IN 4:30 - 6:30 pm est.